Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday Tidbit- Streamlining the Input

New Years Resolution #3. . . I will hereby streamline my input.

What exactly does that mean?

It seems like everywhere I go, I am bombarded with information and advertising and so many useless things competing for my attention. I'm coming to be leery of any new form of technology because it seems to be one more time waster/something to keep up with. So beginning today, I am streamlining my input. I'm cleaning out my e-mail subscriptions by unsubscribing (unless it is junk mail- then hit the junk button. Otherwise, unsubscribing validates your e-address and creates MORE unwanted junk mail!) I'm also registering with the NO CALL list. The number of telemarketing calls is unbelievable around here lately. Even on my cell phone now! AARRRGGHHH!!!! I'm registering my number on the National Do Not Call List. And I'm using credit card applications as kindling for the fireplace. Hey, they're thick enough and free. Sure beats paying for those fire starting logs! I am also sending shorter e-mails (we hope- I'm a girl. I'm verbal. Sue me!) And I'm vowing to spend less time on facebook. That in and of itself should produce more writing time!

Yours, hoping to enjoy more of less,


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