Wednesday, April 7, 2010


For those of you who were not reading this blog last year at this time, you don’t know this, but every year since my dad passed away, my sisters and I have been taking a trip together to Mexico. This will be ourbeach 4th year. No kids, no husbands, no responsibilities, nothing but sand, sun and sisters!

I love my family (I’m required to say that!) but it is, by far, the most glorious, relaxing time I spend all year long. Here is our daily schedule:

  • Wake up in our separate rooms.
  • Have room service deliver breakfast (did I mention we’re in separate rooms?)
  • Meet at the beach.
  • Read/talk/laugh until we’re hot.
  • Take a dip in the ocean until we’re cool.
  • Repeat last 2 steps until lunchtime.
  • Keep repeating those 2 steps until dinnertime.
  • Return to our rooms (still separate!) to shower, relax some more, call home (maybe).
  • Meet for dinner.
  • Maybe find an after dinner activity, but usually not.
  • Return to (separate) rooms and relax even more, until we drift off to a peaceful sleep.
  • Repeat entire process for several more days.

Seriously, doesn’t that sound like heaven to you? We stay in separate rooms for a couple of reasons. First of all, we all need time ALONE, which we rarely get at home. But also, we’d probably end up killing each other if we stayed in the same room!

3sisters My sisters and I are best, best friends, and we love, love each other. But we know our limits with each other! We’re pretty sure that 4 nights is the maximum amount of time for our vacation (although when it’s time to go home, we’re always tempted to try another night!) and we know ABSOLUTELY we cannot share a room!

I highly recommend a Sister’s Trip, or Brother’s Trip or even a Friend’s Trip for everyone. Pick your favorite people and plan an annual event. You’ll thank me!



  1. one of the sistersApril 7, 2010 at 11:37 AM

    Don't forget that we also go into the ocean to pee.

  2. I was trying to not give out too much information!
