Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I’ve never used our blog to ask for help for somebody before, or even for a greater cause. Yes, I’ve used it to sell our own book (well, duh, as my kids would say!) but this is a first for me.PregnancySM

Dawn Meehan is the genius behind the blog Because I Said So and the author of two books, the latest being You’ll Lose The Baby Weight (And Other Lies About Pregnancy And Childbirth). She is also one of the first bloggers to promote our first book. Dawn is one of the funniest people I have ever read!

So now she is in trouble. About a year ago, her husband left her (which wasn’t a bad thing actually), but in leaving her, he left her 6 kids also. Really. He cut off all contact with them. She did the best she could, and kept her sense of humor throughout it all. But when her 2 oldest boys had to be hospitalized with depression, she started to break down. And now, her husband has lost his job, which means no more health insurance, and she’s at the end of her rope.

Dawn’s good friend and web designer “hijacked” her website and set up a place to make donations through paypal for her. I’ve put the widget on the right side of our blog. See it over there? Click HERE to get to her blog. Take a look and see if you remember her as the mom who got her start when she took her kids grocery shopping and found some baseball cards in her bags when she got home. She put them on eBay with a hilarious story about what it’s like to go shopping with 6 kids and the story went viral. The rest was history for Dawn. (But blogs make ZERO money and books make surprisingly little!) You could help her out by giving via Paypal or by buying her book. And by passing the word!

Thanks, everyone! No, this isn’t going to save the world. But by helping one person who helps so many, it’s a good start!



  1. I have been a fan of Dawn's since the Pokemon eBay auction(not baseball cards Karen), and being able to give back feels really good. Plus, her books are a hoot!

  2. Pay it forward!!! Great post, Karen!

  3. Thank you, Karen! :*) You guys bring tears to my eyes (in a good way). Words cannot begin to express my gratitude.
