Monday, March 8, 2010


Okay, we’re into March now, so it’s time to ‘fess up on how we are all doing on our New Year’s Resolutions! On my blog post at the beginning of January, I told you about my 2 (yes, only 2, it’s all I can handle!) resolutions: to continue losing weight to reach my 50 pound weight loss goal and to become more organized.

Resolution #1 is going great! I’m up to 42 pounds lost, and still going lifting weightsstrong. In fact, I’m shaking it up a bit. While I’m still on Weight Watchers and still love their program, I’m deviating a little bit and counting calories (gasp!) and not just points now. It’s been interesting to see the difference. I’m also changing up my workout routine. I’ve been seeing a personal trainer to get me started in strength training. (At her prices, though, I told her I’m only paying for 4 sessions, so she better cram everything she can into those sessions!) Since I’ve only had 2 sessions with her so far, the only difference I see is HOW MUCH PAIN I’M IN!!! I’m sure it’s not reflected in my mood, though, so I can’t figure out why everyone in my family, dog included, seems to run away when I enter a room! Hmmmm.

Resolution #2 is… well… let’s just say it’s a work in progress. I thought that having my calendar on my phone would be great. But really, it’s just confusing me more. See, I can’t give up my “book” calendar, so calendarsometimes I’ll have something on one calendar and not the other. Great example: Melissa and I moved our weekly meetings from Thursday afternoons to Monday afternoons. I changed it on my phone, because it was with me, but forgot to change it on my “real” calendar (I guess in my mind it was already changed), so of course I made lunch plans today with a friend, totally forgetting about my business meeting in the middle of a REALLY busy time at work. AND right before we are both taking vacations for spring break. (Turns out her son has been puking for the past 2 days and we can’t meet anyway, so I’m off the hook, but still…!)

However, I am getting better with my “piles!” I’m trying to stay on top of putting things away before my piles get out of hand. “TRYING” being the operative word here. Baby steps!

So how are your New Year Resolutions going?


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