Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday Tidbit- Punxsutawney Phil!

Today is Groundhog Day. I'm looking forward to see what Punxsutawney Phil has to say. For once, I wouldn't mind if Spring came a little early. Here in The Lou, it's mostly cold and very, very little snow. Snow, I love. The frigid, bone chilling cold without the beautiful white stuff? Well, it makes me a little cranky.
Ever see the movie with Bill Murray by the title of Groundhog Day? HiLARious. But the point is wonderful. Getting to have a do over until you get it right and find out what really, truly matters. Today, February 2nd, 2010, I declare it to be "Do Over Day!" Fallen off your New Year's Resolutions once again? No worries. It's do over day, and we get to get back on track. Still trying to get organized? We're here to help. Still holdin' out for that dream? We'll hold out with you. Whatever you find yourself discouraged about or feeling like you are failing at, take heart. Today is DO OVER DAY (also known as Groundhog Day) and we are believing for an early Spring.

Yours, making my own Do Over list,


P.S. This just in- Punxsutawney Phil SAW HIS SHADOW. This means six more weeks of winter. Wasn't what I was hoping for, but on the bright side, maybe I'll see a few good snows (that means 3-6 inches of a snow that packs for making snowmen) after all.

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