Monday, April 26, 2010


When you think of having a nanny, you don’t always think in terms of it being a business arrangement because it’s to personal to you. After all, she’s there to take care of your children, not your finances. But this must be treated like any other employer/employee relationship. When yousigning contract start most jobs, you have to sign an employment agreement, right? So it’s no different here.

You’re thinking, “Really, Karen? A contract? C’mon now!” Believe me when I say that it’s as much for her as it is for you. Really, it’s about expectations. A nanny agreement isn’t just outlining pay and holidays and basic stuff like that, it’s putting down on paper EXACTLY what you two can expect from each other.

For example, if a package shows up at your door, can she sign for it? If she does, is she responsible for it? Is your nanny supposed to do any nanny agreement pg1housework? What, specifically, does that include? (For instance, my nanny did my kids’ laundry, but there was no way I was going to have her fold my underwear. That was just too weird!) And when is she supposed so do this housework?

See what I mean? You may talk to her about such things, but it’s much, much better to have everything documented so that there are no surprises for either one of you. And it can really open up the lines of communication, bringing things up that neither one of you had even thought about, if the agreement is comprehensive enough.

For sample agreements, there are plenty on-line, or, of course, The Caregiver Organizer has one in it as well. But whatever you do, make sure the contract fits your needs, and have it checked over by your own attorney. (That’s my disclaimer for the day!)


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