Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Yep, I’m writing today because tomorrow at this time I’ll be on a plane for SISTER’S TRIP 2011! (Am I excited? Maybe just a little!) But I’m not going to post about the trip today, because I’m sure I’ll have a bunch to tell you when I get back.

Today, I need to propose this question to you: How can 4mexico weather weather websites have 4 different forecasts? (Okay, maybe this is about the trip a little, but it really goes beyond that.) With all of the technology these days, shouldn’t it be fairly easy to predict the weather? Yes, I understand that weather patterns change, and Mother Nature can surprise us all, but up until 2 days ago, we weren’t even sure if we were going to Mexico because the forecast kept changing. Rain on 3 days, then 2 then 3 then 1, and so on. Now, sunny all days. (Whew!)

But here’s the thing. If they are going to be wrong, shouldn’t they ALL be consistently wrong? I mean, shouldn’t ALL the meteorologists be seeing the SAME things on the SAME computers? We were watching FOUR different websites and they were all saying VERY DIFFERENT things. I just don’t get it. Are there any meteorologists out there who can help me out with this?

Okay, I’m done with my rantings! All I know now is that I need to finish packing, get my spray tan (so I don’t blind the others folks on the beach) and get on that plane at 6:00 tomorrow morning! Then it’s just me, my sista’s and a Bahama Mama in my hand. Adios!!!


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