Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Sometimes we just need to stop fretting about the small stuff (Did you notice I said “fretting” and not “sweating?” No copyright infringement here!) and count our blessings. Thesethoughtful past couple of weeks have become one of those times for me.

In short, a 41 year old neighbor was shoveling his walk and suffered a massive heart attack known as “The Widow Maker.” Sends chills up your spine, doesn’t it? Thankfully, he is one of the few who will survive this.

Another neighbor is losing her almost 4 year battle with cancer. She will probably not be able to see her youngest daughter graduate high school in May, her one goal throughout her illness. Hospice was finally called in yesterday.

Late last week I visited the Alzheimer Association with my friend from high school and her father, who is like a father to me. Knowing the journey he is beginning is depressing for him, and for my friend and I also.

So when Melissa asked me the other day what I want to do when I grow up, all I could do is say, “I want to help others.” And I don’t mean it in a Save the World, Mother Theresa way. (After all, I am Jewish!) I mean, I want to start visiting my “Dad” more often. I want to cook dinner for my neighbor. I want to walk rescue dogs.

volunteer handsI want to become a better person, I guess. But this isn’t for completely selfless reasons. I want to feel better about myself. So if helping others is the way to accomplish this, then Way To Go, Karen!

So what do you all do when you want to become a better person? Do you volunteer? Help a neighbor? Give me some suggestions please!


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