Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What I’ve Learned This Holiday Season…

This holiday season, I have learned three things.  First of all, I learned that as much as I like it when my husband shares things, I DO NOT like it when he shares his nasty ol’ cold with me.  Being sick over the holidays is NO FUN.  And he actually had the nerve to say, “How do you know you got it from me?”  Um, hello?  Really?  I got it three days after you, I have exactly the same symptoms as you, and oh yeah, I SLEEP IN THE SAME BED AS YOU.  Enough said.

santa clausThe second thing I realized is that I am SOOOOO going to miss it when my kids stop believing in Santa Clause.  Having grown up Jewish and not having participated in the whole Santa experience (we were just told that of course there’s no such thing, but don’t spoil it for all those silly little friends of ours who believe or we’d be in BIG trouble), this has been such a magical experience, watching it through their eyes.  But they are 9 now, and I fear that this will be our last year.  Of course, I thought this last year, so you never know!

Lastly, I learned that as a mother, I must have done something right over the past 9 years with my boys.  No, really!  When they were finally allowed to wake us up (strict orders not beforechristmas presents 7:00!), they ran down and opened Santa’s gifts, but before they would open any of the mounds (and I do mean mounds, thanks to Dad) of gifts from us under the tree, they insisted I open the gifts they made for me.  Even when I insisted they open theirs first, they refused until I opened mine.  I don’t think I was ever prouder of them than at that very moment.

I love my kids!

Happy New Year to you and your families!!!


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